What is Mahalaya Paksham ?

Mahalaya Amavasya marks the beginning of Navratri festivity, It is a special day dedicated to making an offering to express our gratitude to all the previous generations of people who have contributed to our life.

Mahalaya amavasya Also known as Pitru Paksha Amavasya or Sarvapitri Amavasya, it is a perfect day to offer ancestral rituals (Tarpanam) to the deceased family members

“Pitru yagna is the best tradition come down from the Vedic times and should be carried on by one until one`s lifetime.”

Please call 9498421296 or visit www.bgsiyer.com for amavasai services to be performed at your home.

What do you mean by Mahalaya Paksham ?


  • The fortnight of Aswayuja or Purattasi in the months of September–October on Krishna paksha or the waning phase is observed as mahalaya paksha .  This period is very important and special for observances of shraddha.
  • It is also called pitr paksha, mahalaya paksha, pitri pokho, pitru pakshya, sola shraddha, kanagat, jitiya, or apara paksha
  • This is a 15-day lunar period to propitiate the ancestors.
  • This year, it falls from 29th September to 14th October.

Pitru Paksham Dates List

Importance of Mahalaya Paksham?

Mahalaya Amavasya is a special day dedicated to making an offering to express our gratitude to all the previous generations of people who have contributed to our life. Now, human beings started structuring lives so that we could live a little better than animals.

Who should do Mahalaya Amavasya ?

If a family member (father) is missing out on the death date of their ancestors, then (Son) can perform their Shradh rituals or Pind daan or Tharpan on Mahalaya Amavasya.

Those who wish to express their appreciation towards this life and are grateful for their birth in this life must observe this event. Those who suffer from Pitru Dosha must follow the rituals this day to get rid of it.

Please call 9498421296 or visit www.bgsiyer.com for amavasai services to be performed at your home.

Why one should do Pitru pooja to their ancestors

If a person does good for the upliftment and peace of their ancestors then he is sure to seek many blessings. It is also seen that if a person does pitra dosh pooja then it removes all the obstacles and problems from his path.


Few Legends Says - From Mahabharath



When Karna's spirit arrived in heaven following his death during the Mahabharata War, he was given food made of gold and diamonds. Karna was perplexed and inquired of Indra as to why he was not being served with actual food. Indra believed that this was the case because, while giving a great deal of wealth to others during his lifetime, Karna had never provided food and water for his own forefathers. Karna explained his behaviour by claiming that he had no idea who his ancestors were. Karna was then given permission to stay on earth for 15 days, during which time he carried out the shraadha of his forefathers and gave food and water to the needy in their honour. We now refer to this time frame as pitru paksha.

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